Platypus Wine Tours

  • 182 Camino Oruga
  • Napa, CA 94558
  • Website
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Go visiting family-owned wineries with Platypus Wine Tours!

Join a group tour (12ppl max) to a carefully chosen selection of three smaller, backroads-style wineries. This tour is fun and informative, and the tour guides are known to be exceptional storytellers.

Tour days are serendipitous, but usually include wine caves, barrel rooms, and production facility experiences, as well as opportunities to wander the wine estates and into the vineyards themselves. No two days are alike. Tastings and picnic take place outdoors amid picturesque settings.

Price is $129 per person ($139 on Saturdays), picnic lunch included. Winery tasting fees are not included, but are discounted, and are usually waived with wine purchase. Book direct or through the Inn!

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